
Can you

A friend of mine got very depressed, & went from 170# to 280# in 9 months (And no she wasn't pregnant)
12 years

Can you

Easy peasy. There was a study a few years back where two 'normal' people were to try and gain 30 lbs in a month. One of them did, the other was about 5lbs short. So 40 in a year is a doddle. It's less than a pound a week for goodness' sake smiley
12 years

Can you

igor_olman wrote:
Easy peasy. There was a study a few years back where two 'normal' people were to try and gain 30 lbs in a month. One of them did, the other was about 5lbs short. So 40 in a year is a doddle. It's less than a pound a week for goodness' sake smiley

That was the Spark 30 day challenge.Thanks for the memories.And the one who ended up 5 lbs shy-Nicole- was on track for 35 lbs until a bad final weekend when she lost 6-8 lbs.

Yes. 40 lbs in a year would be possible even for very fast metabolisms. I have seen some recent gains for normal metabolisms of 34 lbs in 35 days and 150 lbs in a year. 40 in a year should be a snap.
12 years